Primary Care Network Data & Intelligence Packs
Developed by Attain, in collaboration with the PCNs and Kirklees Council Public Health team.
The priorities identified in these packs are based on the available intelligence. Please note that although the PCNs have their individual packs this doesn’t mean that they will be focusing on the areas suggested within the packs at this point. The main reason for this is that they will need to be prioritising their resources to ensuring they are ready to fulfil their PCN contractual agreements, in particular, delivering against the 7 new National Specifications and recruitment of additional roles from April 2020. Further information regarding PCN contracts and guidance can be found at:
These versions were published November 2019, and only contain data that was publicly available at the time of publication.
Greater Huddersfield
North Kirklees
Cross-network priority development
PCN-level data from Public Health England
Public Health England’s GP Practice Profiles include some PCN-level data (added Jan 2020):
PCN data packs for 2022 are in development – see a draft version of the Kirklees summary (using CLiK 2021 survey data only) here.